Mayor Irvin determined to take Aurora to the mountain top in State of the City


The latter two announcements, which came as a surprise to many aldermen, got a nice round of applause — but no bigger than the one Irvin received when he reminded the audience this year Aurora would hold its first pride parade.

"Controversial, I know," Irvin said, invoking his hero again. "In keeping with the words of Dr. King, there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor popular nor politically correct. But he must take it because conscience tells him it is the right thing to do."


Brittney Borowicz

Brittney Borowicz is an integrated marketing professional with a strong communications background specializing in journalism, public relations and social media. Originally from the northwest suburbs of Chicago, Brittney has spent the past few years working with entrepreneurs and small start-ups in the Chicagoland area to enhance their marketing and social media efforts. Prior to her current role as the marketing manager for a computer networking company, Brittney realized her affinity for all things media and marketing while working in radio and television and as a professional presenter. Later, she began working at a couple of small marketing agencies as a Public Relations and Sales Director and Account Manager, which required her to be well versed in coordinating specialized public and media relations strategies, creative marketing initiatives and cohesive sales process implementations. As a strong believer in intimate consumer/brand involvement, Brittney helps her clients create content that engages and educates brand audiences while establishing each client as a thought leader in their industry. Personal Details: > B.S. Broadcast Journalism, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign > Member of Social Media Club Chicago and Toastmasters International > Fan of all things food and wine